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Clear Spring Instructor-Led Training Development

Overview of Products

Clear Spring has created a variety of instructor-led course materials for instructional events ranging from brief, half-day seminars to two-day workshops. Materials created have included instructor and participant guides, overhead transparencies, electronic presentations, carry-away job aids, scenarios for activities, tests, and evaluation forms. Clear Spring has worked closely to coach subject matter experts providing the content, and has also created courses "from scratch". Instructor materials have been designed for content experts as well as for training instructors. Clear Spring has also provided train-the-trainer presentations to supplement turnkey training materials.

Project Listing

For a large government agency: Clear Spring developed a one-day orientation to agency-wide Customer Relationship Management implementation, and conducted train-the-trainer sessions for mid-level managers.

For a large government agency: Clear Spring worked with the lead instructor and technical subject mater experts to create instructor guides and visuals, participant materials, exercises, and tests for two one-week courses on regulatory compliance.

For an association of public service organizations: Clear Spring is developed a two-day workshop to help participants become familiar with management techniques for social service programs.

For a large consortium of industry associations: Clear Spring worked with instructors and subject matter experts to create instructor guides, participant materials, overheads, slides, and interactive activities for a series of eight one-day seminars on regulatory issues for association members.

For a medium-sized government organization: Clear Spring produced instructor and participant materials, including fully-developed case studies, for a one and one-half day project management workshop tailored to the project management needs of the organization.

For a financial industry association: Clear Spring wrote a preliminary reading assignment with exercises, and a 50-question pre-course test for a financial course for a member organization.

For a major insurance company: Clear Spring created instructor and participant materials, including exercises and visual aids for a four-hour sales training class introducing the features and benefits of a new health insurance product.

For a medium-sized government organization: Clear Spring updated course materials and delivered several train-the-trainer sessions for a course on advanced negotiation.

For a very large government organization: Clear Spring developed a supervisor's guide to facilitate the use of a concurrently created self-instruction manual as a participant guide for a two-day, hands-on, group-paced classroom course. This course addresses the use of a property management system at agency sites across the country.

Learn about other Clear Spring projects:

Web-Based and Computer-Based Training (WBT/CBT) and Multimedia
On-Line References and Documentation
Self-Instructional Materials (Paper-Based and Videotape)
Information Systems Documentation
Studies and Consulting Services

To contact Clear Spring:

By E-Mail: Partner@clearspringinc.com
By phone: (610) 469-8923
By fax: (610) 469-8943
By mail: P.O. Box 276, Birchrunville, PA 19421-0276
Express Delivery: 1201 Davis Lane, Chester Springs, PA 19425

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© Copyright Clear Spring Incorporated, 2007
Last updated March 11, 2007